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Arquivo para o mês: Agosto, 2017


Municipal Assembly

[Av_heading heading = ' Municipal assembly ' tag = ' h1 ' link_apply = ' ' link = ' ' link_target = ' ' style = ' ' size = ' ' subheading_active = ' ' subheading_size = ' 15 ' margin = ' ' padding = ' 10 ' color = ' ' Custom_font = ' ' Custom_class = ' ' ADMIN_PREVIEW_BG = ' ' AV-desktop-hide = ' ' av-medium-hide = ' ' av-small-hide = ' ' av-mini-hide = ' ' av-medium-font-size-title = ' ' av-small-font-size-title = ' ' av-mini-font-size-title = ' ' AV-medium-font-size = ' ' av-small-font-size = ' ' av-mini-font-size = ' '] [/av_heading] [ Av_three_fifth First min_height = ' ' vertical_alignment = ' ' space = ' ' Custom_margin = ' ' margin = ' 0px ' padding = ' 0px ' border = ' ' Border_color = ' ' radius = ' 0px ' background_color = ' ' src = ' ' background_position = ' top left ' background_repeat = ' no-repeat ' Animation = ' ' mobile_breaking = ' ' Mobile_display = ' ' Av_uid = ' av-1u16q6a '] [av _ TextBlock size = ' ' Font_color = ' ' color = ' ' AV-medium-font-size = ' ' av-small-font-size = ' ' av-mini-font-size = ' ' ADMIN_PREVIEW_BG = ' ' Av_uid = ' av-1QPLTBM '] The municipal assembly is the deliberative organ of the local municipality and consists of Members directly elected by the citizens. The number of members of the municipal assembly is higher than that of the presidents of the parish council, which integrate it by inefficiency, and equal to or greater than triple the number of members of the respective city Council. The assembly is coordinated by a table, consisting of a president, a first secretary and a 2nd Secretary. The table of the Assembly is elected by secret scrutiny by the municipal assembly of its members. [/av_textblock] [Av_heading tag = ' h2 ' padding = ' 10 ' heading = ' sessions ' color = ' ' style = ' blockquote modern-quote modern-centered ' Custom_font = ' ' size = ' ' subheading_active = ' ' subheading_size = ' 15 ' Custom_class = ' ' admin_preview_bg = ' ' av-desktop-hide = ' ' AV-medium-hide = ' ' av-small-hide = ' ' av-mini-hide = ' ' av-medium-font-size-title = ' ' av-small-font-size-title = ' ' av-mini-font-size-title = ' ' AV-medium-font-size = ' ' av-small-font-size = ' ' av-mini-font-size = ' ' Av_uid = ' av-1o5h76a '] [/av_heading] [Av_textblock size = ' ' Font_color = ' ' color = ' ' AV-medium-font-size = ' ' av-small-font-size = ' ' av-mini-font-size = ' ' ADMIN_PREVIEW_BG = ' ' Av_uid = ' av-1ml2t1e '] Under Art. 49 of Law No. 169/99 of 18 September, the Municipal assembly has, annually, five ordinary sessions that cannot exceed 5 meetings each, in the months of February, April, June, September and November or December, for the second-April, to the appreciation of the Inventory of all assets, rights and property obligations and their evaluation and assessment and voting of the accounting documents and the fifth-November or December, the approval of the options of the plan and the proposal of the budget. The extraordinary sessions are held always and when the municipal interest requires it. They may be convened by the President of the Assembly, on a proposal from the Bureau, by request of the mayor and still required by a legal number of citizen voters. See here the minutes of the meetings of the Municipal assembly.


Belmonte SIM

O Município de Belmonte vai implementar, a partir do próximo mês de Agosto de 2017, um serviço de transporte público colectivo que irá abranger todas as localidades do Concelho, de modo a satisfazer as necessidades diárias em termos de mobilidade, de toda a população e principalmente da população mais idosa e desfavorecida do nosso Município. […]