Artur Alberto Mendes Elvas
1º Secretário
The municipal assembly is the deliberative organ of the local authority and is developed by members elected by the citizens. The number of members of the municipal assembly is higher than the presidents of the town councils, which is an integral part, and equal to or greater than three times the number of members of the municipal council.
The Assembly shall be coordinated by a Bureau composed of a President, 1st Secretary and a 2nd Secretary. The meeting table shall be elected, by secret ballot, by the municipal assembly from among its members.
In accordance with art. 49 of Law no. 169/99, of 18 September, the Municipal Assembly holds five ordinary sessions per year in February, April, June, September and November or December, the second – April, to the inventory assessment of all assets, rights and equity obligations and their evaluation and appreciation and voting of the documents of accountability and the fifth – November or December, to the approval of the options of the plan and the proposal.
Extraordinary sessions are held when the municipal interest so requires. They may be called by the President of the Assembly, at the proposal of the Board, at the request of the Mayor and still required by a legal number of voters.
See HERE for the minutes of the meetings of the Municipal Assembly.
Edifício dos Paços do Concelho – Rua Pedro Álvares Cabral, nº 135 6250-088 Belmonte
275 910 010
275 910 019